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한국증권금융연구소에서 제공하는 다양한 취업정보를 공유하실 수 있습니다.
제목 [페트라투자자문] Internship
등록일 2012-07-10 오후 5:18:44 조회수 7556
JOB DESCRIPTION – Internship Opportunity

Petra Capital Management is offering a 3-month internship opportunity for a highly-motivated college student who will assist a growing team of investment professionals with an outstanding track record of success in Asia and a network of investors around the world. The Internship will be based in Seoul, Korea and provide an opportunity to experience private/public equity transactions as well as M&A advisory efforts.

Responsibilities will include:

1 Conduct in-depth company and industry research

2 Build and use financial models for financial valuation, discounted cash flow and multiples based on analysis

3 Prepare written materials to support engagements and marketing efforts

Candidate must possess the following background and skill sets:

1 Attendance at top-tier academic institutions

2 A well-rounded academic background with coursework in finance, accounting or economics is recommended

3 Ability to work well under pressure and tight deadlines and have the aptitude to synthesize large amount of information and develop innovative solutions

4 Willingness to work long hours and be a team player

5 Excellent quantitative and analytical skills

6 High motivation and attention to detail

7 Excellent verbal and written communication skills, including advanced MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint skills

8 Proficiency in English and Korean

Petra Capital Management is a licensed investment advisory firm registered with the Financial Services Commission of Korea.

Interested candidates should submit a resume and cover letter to careers@petracm.com. For more information: http://www.petracm.com.

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