금융 및 관련 산업의 기술적 발전과 최신 트렌드를 반영하여 구성되기 때문에 정기적으로 개정되며, 학술논문과 연구논문을 많이 다루게 됩니다.
Topic | Approximate Weight(%) |
1. Introduction to Data Science | 05-10 |
2. Linear & Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machines, Regularization, and Time Series | 10-15 |
3. Decision Trees, Supervised Segmentation, and Ensemble Methods | 8-12 |
4. Classification, Clustering, and Naïve Bayes | 8-12 |
5. Neural Networks and Reinforcement Learning | 8-12 |
6. Performance Evaluation, Back-Testing, and False Discoveries | 5-10 |
7. Textual Analysis and Large Language Models | 10-15 |
8. Ethical & Privacy, and Regulation | 8-12 |
9. Fintech Applications | 15-25 |